Liam James Desmond

About Me

Full Stack Software Developer - I am knowledgeable about Java, Spring Boot, React.js, APIs, API Gateways, API Integration, proxies, Microservices, MySQL, Jenkins, UrbanCode Deploy, MuleSoft and an Agile/Kanban team environment, among other things. I'm currently learning Angular, C# & ASP.NET as well.

In my current role, I build, migrate, deploy and test proxies and APIs for Mule proxies applications to allow for connectivity between external consumers and downstream Microservices. I am also part of a large project that migrates very old Spring applications that use outdated web.xml configuration files to the newer Spring Boot standard with updated security requirements including ForgeRock API integration for access token requests.

I have been the team lead for several of our projects, including an automated application for updating repository files across our team’s GitHub Enterprise account as well as a project which converted a command-line bootstrap application template script to a full-fledged internal application which avoids boilerplate code for accelerated proxy development. I also perform peer code reviews, train junior developers and participate in weekly rigorous production deployments for our applications, which can require long nights of coordinated teamwork, cross-team collaboration, client-server testing and debugging to resolve any issues.

I consider myself an information sponge, so anything new that can be thrown at me, I welcome with open arms. I am dedicated, detail-oriented, persistent and I don’t shy away from any challenges.

I thrive in a team environment, so I would love to work with a great team of developers that I can learn from and contribute to with any technical knowledge or experiences that I currently possess. I enjoy helping others whenever and wherever I can, which would in turn strengthen my abilities as a programmer as well in order to help achieve a common or personal goal and become a valued team member.

I'm also a pretty good guy.

**This place is not yet device responsive by the way... It will be, I promise**


Web, Programming Languages & Technologies


Relational & Non-Relational


Highlights & Current Projects

- Check out more on my GitHub -

GitHub Repo:
Java-Spring Boot


Login & Registration


MySQL M2M Relationship

GitHub Repo:
Dockerized: React/Python-Flask


Login & Registration

Google Maps API


MySQL O2M Relationship

GitHub Repo:
React/Java-Spring Boot


Login & Registration


MySQL O2M Relationship

GitHub Repo:


CRUD Services

Backend API


GitHub Repo:


Login & Registration


MySQL M2M Relationship

GitHub Repo:
Spring Microservices Project


Service Discovery

API-Gateway Resilience4j


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